This month's Black Finch Love Story features Jess and James. These two have kindly shared a peek into their special love story, including how and when they realised they had found the one...
In our next instalment of Black Finch Love Stories, Kieran and Kelsey have kindly shared images from their spectacular wedding along with a beautiful account of their special love story...
This month's Black Finch Love Story features Imogen and Connie. These two have kindly shared some stunning images from their time together along with a glimpse into their relationship and their romantic seaside proposal...
Featured in Hello May — 20 Jewellery Designers to Follow on Instagram
We are thrilled to be featured in "20 Jewellery Designers to Follow on Instagram" by our friends at Hello May. Hello May is a popular wedding magazine, blog, and directory that works to bring together creative and talented individuals in the wedding industry together to ensure that to-be brides and grooms' special days are as unique, fun and inspiring as possible.
In our second instalment of our Black Finch Love Stories Series, Rosie and Michael have been kind enough to share images of their time together along with some words on their beautifully planned surprise engagement.
Black Finch Zodiac Collection: Twelve handcrafted star sign pendants studded with diamonds and coloured sapphires - representing the colours of the respective zodiac's birthstone.
Featured on The Lane — Illusorie Fashion Editorial
We are very excited to share some highlights of our recent feature in The Lane's Illusorie Fashion Editorial. The Lane is an online magazine that blends art, fashion, interiors and travel to show weddings and events through a new lens.
This month's Black Finch Love Story features Jess and James. These two have kindly shared a peek into their special love story, including how and when they realised they had found the one...
This month's Black Finch Love Story features Imogen and Connie. These two have kindly shared some stunning images from their time together along with a glimpse into their relationship and their romantic seaside proposal...
Featured in Hello May — 20 Jewellery Designers to Follow on Instagram
We are thrilled to be featured in "20 Jewellery Designers to Follow on Instagram" by our friends at Hello May. Hello May is a popular wedding magazine, blog, and directory that works to bring together creative and talented individuals in the wedding industry together to ensure that to-be brides and grooms' special days are as unique, fun and inspiring as possible.
In our next instalment of Black Finch Love Stories, Kieran and Kelsey have kindly shared images from their spectacular wedding along with a beautiful account of their special love story...
In our second instalment of our Black Finch Love Stories Series, Rosie and Michael have been kind enough to share images of their time together along with some words on their beautifully planned surprise engagement.
Black Finch Zodiac Collection: Twelve handcrafted star sign pendants studded with diamonds and coloured sapphires - representing the colours of the respective zodiac's birthstone.
Featured on The Lane — Illusorie Fashion Editorial
We are very excited to share some highlights of our recent feature in The Lane's Illusorie Fashion Editorial. The Lane is an online magazine that blends art, fashion, interiors and travel to show weddings and events through a new lens.