Artist at Work — Robert
Get to know our Jeweller Robert
What do you love the most about working at Black Finch?
I love the challenge of making beautiful pieces of jewellery. Finding the right tool for the task at hand and the satisfaction of finishing a piece I know someone will fall in love with.
What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about learning how things work and working with my hands.
What are your qualifications and what did you study?
I have studied mostly woodwork and art at school as it had a big arts sector. I have a Certificate 1 & 2 in Furnishing and for a short while, I was a fitness instructor with a Certificate in Fitness. I've been making jewellery since I was 20 and have a Certificate 3 & 4 in Jewellery Manufacture and nearly 15 years experience.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I'm pretty handy with a sword.
What's your favourite quote?
"Yf gold ruste, what then should iren do?" — Chaucer
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