Discover New Arrivals - Heart Seer Collection
Artist at Work — Bryony

Artist at Work — Bryony

Get to know our Administration Manager and Photographer Bryony 

What do you love the most about working at Black Finch?

The team! I love that each person brings something unique to Black Finch – both in skills and character. Such a great bunch of people to work with. I also love that I'm able to express both sides of my brain and areas of expertise at Black Finch, administration/bookkeeping and photography. 

What are you passionate about?

Spending time in nature, particularly by a river at dusk when the birds are cackling. I'm also passionate about working in creative industries – helping artists and small businesses to flourish – whether that's through streamlining systems/making admin a little less tedious or capturing their mastery/masterpieces through photography.

What are your qualifications and what did you study?

Politics & Philosophy, Bookkeeping, Photography... plus a brief stint studying Environmental Science and a very brief stint studying Mechanics. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I once walked over 1000km through the Australian desert.

What's your favourite song lyric?

“There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in” 

—  Leonard Cohen, Anthem

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